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Five additional scholarships awarded to students of mining, geology and hydraulic engineering

SASA Mine, through its Foundation for Support of Sustainable Development, provided scholarships for an additional five students. Of these, two scholarships are awarded to students of mining and one for a student in the field of geology at the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within the University Goce Delchev in Shtip. Two scholarships have been awarded to students of hydraulic engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje.

"We congratulate the new scholarship holders and wish them success during their studies. We hope that this support provided by SASA will help these young people gain the necessary knowledge and high academic achievement in their chosen fields, which will help them develop their professional careers in the future. We are keen to promote diversity in the mining industry so are delighted that four of the five scholarship holders are women," said Nick Shirley, Director of Sustainability at Central Asia Metals, at the handover of the scholarship agreements that took place today (March 29, 2022) at SASA.

In addition to the new five scholarships, SASA currently provides continuous financial support for six students in the fields of mining and environmental protection at the University of Stip.

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